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Bruno Lavrentiev
Bruno Lavrentiev

Cambridge English Empower Elementary A2 Students Book With Audio CD [BEST]

  • \r\nPosiadamy w ofercie publikacje akademickie oraz szeroki wyb\u00F3r ksi\u0105\u017Cek z literatury polskiej i zagranicznej. W naszych zbiorach znajd\u0105 Pa\u0144stwo publikacje z ka\u017Cdej interesuj\u0105cej dziedziny naukowej, mi\u0119dzy innymi:\r\n\r\nNauk humanistycznych\r\nNauk spo\u0142ecznych\r\nNauk ekonomicznych\r\nNauk przyrodniczych\r\n\r\nOpr\u00F3cz fachowej literatury specjalistycznej obejmuj\u0105cej publikacje akademickie, napisane przez najwi\u0119kszych fachowc\u00F3w z danej dyscypliny, oferujemy szeroki wachlarz ksi\u0105\u017Cek z literatury pi\u0119knej, zar\u00F3wno polskiej, jak i zagranicznej.\r\nDzia\u0142 literacki jest na bie\u017C\u0105co uzupe\u0142niany o nowo\u015Bci i bestsellery rynku wydawniczego, ale nie zawiedzie tak\u017Ce tych z Pa\u0144stwa, kt\u00F3rzy pragn\u0105 zaopatrzy\u0107 si\u0119 w nie\u015Bmiertelne klasyki. Dzia\u0142 literatury pi\u0119knej podzielony zosta\u0142 przez nas na poddzia\u0142y zwi\u0105zane z literatur\u0105 m\u0142odzie\u017Cow\u0105, a tak\u017Ce r\u00F3\u017Cnorodnymi gatunkami, na przyk\u0142ad gatunkiem fantastycznym, spo\u0142eczno-obyczajowym, science fiction i wieloma innymi. W ka\u017Cdej z kategorii znajd\u0105 Pa\u0144stwo pozycje uporz\u0105dkowane wed\u0142ug popularno\u015Bci, nowo\u015Bci, a tak\u017Ce alfabetycznie i wed\u0142ug wydawnictwa, co u\u0142atwi proces poszukiwa\u0144 i decyzj\u0119.\r\nW naszej ofercie znajd\u0105 Pa\u0144stwo r\u00F3wnie\u017C praktyczne albumy i s\u0142owniki, podr\u0119czniki szkolne i akademickie, przewodniki turystyczne i mapy, a tak\u017Ce publikacje w formie audiobook\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rych mo\u017Cna s\u0142ucha\u0107 w podr\u00F3\u017Cy.\r\nOsobn\u0105 kategori\u0119 stanowi\u0105 ksi\u0105\u017Cki obcoj\u0119zyczne, szczeg\u00F3lnie przydatne dla os\u00F3b chc\u0105cych aktywnie \u0107wiczy\u0107 umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci j\u0119zykowe oraz \u0142\u0105czy\u0107 przyjemne z po\u017Cytecznym. Pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 w niej r\u00F3wnie\u017C ksi\u0105\u017Cki, kt\u00F3re na razie nie doczeka\u0142y si\u0119 t\u0142umaczenia na j\u0119zyk polski, a kt\u00F3re zas\u0142uguj\u0105 na to, by polscy czytelnicy si\u0119 z nimi zapoznali.\r\nZach\u0119camy r\u00F3wnie\u017C do zapoznania si\u0119 z bogat\u0105 kolekcj\u0105 czasopism.\r\nKa\u017Cda z kategorii ksi\u0105\u017Cek jest regularnie uzupe\u0142niana, by wychodzi\u0107 naprzeciw potrzebom ka\u017Cdej czytelniczki i czytelnika."},"url":"\/Ksiazki\/Jezyki-obce,2196883,k.html","value":"J\u0119zyki obce","shortValue":"Jezyki obce","description":"","url":"\/Cambridge-English-Empower-Elementary-Student-s-Book,84880973,p.html","value":"Cambridge English Empower Elementary Student's Book","shortValue":"Cambridge English Empower Elementary Student's Book","description":"Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Elementary Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. This version of the Student's Book does not provide access to the video, assessment package and online workbook. A version with full access is available separately."];dataLayer.push( ecommerce: null );dataLayer.push('ecommerce' : 'detail' : 'actionField': 'list': null,'products': ['name': "Cambridge English Empower Elementary Student's Book",'id': "9781107466265",'price': "91.80",'brand': "Cambridge University Press",'category': "J\u0119zyki obce",'variant': "book",],'productCategory' : breadCrumb[1] ? breadCrumb[1].value : null,'productSubCategory': breadCrumb[2] ? breadCrumb[2].value : null,'productDomain': breadCrumb[3] ? breadCrumb[3].value : null,'productAuthor' : "id":88937482,"personAlias":"id":88904244,"name":null,"surname":null,"secondaryName":null,"displayName":"Adrian Doff","mainAliasDisplayName":"Adrian Doff","mainAlias":false,"initial":"\u0000","personId":88871476,"imageId":null,"shortDescription":null,"aliases":null,"description":null,"birthDate":null,"deathDate":null,"lastUrl":null,"personRole":"id":65372160,"symbol":"author","roleName":"Autor");});/*]]>*/ Produkt niedostępny Zarezerwuj i odbierz w księgarni stacjonarnej PWN Dodaj do schowka Opis

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Cambridge English Empower Elementary Student's Book Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Elementary Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. This version of the Student's Book does not provide access to the video, assessment package and online workbook. A version with full access is available separately.

Cambridge English Empower Elementary A2 Students Book With Audio CD



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